Recipe Information
Begin heating an oiled skillet to medium heat.
In a food processor or grain grinder, pulverize the quick oats into a coarse flour (about 1 min). Add the tapioca starch and mix again for a few seconds. Pour this flour into a bowl and add the other dry ingredients, followed by the wet ingredients.
The mixture will appear very liquidy. Pour about 1/4 cup for each pancake in the heated skillet. The mixture spreads thin, and cooks quickly. Flip them about 10 seconds after bubbles appear. Each side cooks for about 1 minute and they brown very nicely. My skillet required oiling in between each batch, but I used a pan that isn’t quite non-stick.
This batch yields 12-15 small pancakes.
Copyright © 2006 Melanie Carver. All rights reserved. The copyright of this recipe is retained by the original recipe creator. If you would like to publish this recipe elsewhere in print or online, please contact us to find out how to obtain permission.
Unfiltered organic apple juice is thicker and has more “apple solids” than regular apple juice. If needed, use less regular apple juice and add 1/3 cup applesauce.