Mock Ranch Dressing or Dip

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Recipe Information

Recipe Created By: Melanie Carver


1 cup unsweetened plain yogurt alternative (cultured soy or coconut milk) -OR-
1 cup safe mayo (egg-free, milk-free, soy-free)
1/4 cup or less plain milk alternative
1 Tbsp fresh chopped chives (optional)
1 tsp Garlic & Herb Mrs Dash®


The base of the recipe uses a yogurt OR mayonnaise substitute. Use an unsweetened/plain milk-free yogurt alternative like cultured soy or coconut milk; or use an egg-free soy-based mayo such as Vegenaise®.

Pour the liquid in slowly while whisking all of the ingredients together. If making a dip, you will use less liquid (if any at all) than you would use to make dressing. If you add too much liquid, just add more of the base until you get the right consistency.


This recipe can be used to make a mock ranch dressing or a ranch dip, depending on how much liquid you add.

“Yogurt” tends to be runnier than “mayo”, so if you are using a yogurt alternative for this base, you will need less liquid (milk alternative) for this recipe.

If you are using a safe mayo, I recommend using the reduced-calorie version because the mayo is much higher in fat than yogurt.

This recipe is very forgiving, and you can use more Mrs. Dash for flavoring if you want a stronger flavor.

Store in the refrigerator in an air-tight container and it will keep for about a week.

Copyright © 2009 Melanie Carver. All rights reserved. The copyright of this recipe is retained by the original recipe creator. If you would like to publish this recipe elsewhere in print or online, please contact us to find out how to obtain permission.


This recipe can be made soy-free by using cultured coconut milk yogurt for the base and coconut milk or rice milk for the liquid, or by using an egg-free, soy-free mayo (Vegenaise offers an option).
Coconut: Although classified by the FDA as a tree nut, coconut is not a common allergen and is not related to tree nuts. If you have a tree nut allergy, consult your physician to find out if you need to avoid coconut.
Egg Substitutions: There are many egg-free products and foods available to make your recipes free of eggs. Find out more about egg substitutions.
Milk and Soy Substitutions: Alternative dairy-free milk beverages and products will work in most recipes. Find out more about milk substitutions and soy substitutions.

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