Recipe Information
Mix dry ingredients together well, then add wet ingredients. If you measure the oil first, then the rice syrup won’t stick to the tablespoon! 🙂
Heat a 7″(ish) non-stick round skillet/frying pan on medium.
Add olive oil to pan and let it heat up.
Pour in enough batter to just cover the bottom of the pan.
When the edges are dry and bubbles form in the center, flip ’em. Cook briefly on other side.
I use two spatulas to flip, because they are big and more fragile than regular pancakes.
Really yummy with nectarine slices cooked in!
**We use Red Star Nutritional yeast. It can only be guaranteed not cross-contaminated if you buy the 6 or 10 lb pails that are packaged by the manufacturer. They can be purchased through www.veganessentials.com.
*We grind our own rice flour from Lundberg short grain brown rice.
If you mess around with this and get improved results, I’d love to hear about it.