Recipe Information
Mix dry ingredients. Add yeast and water, and mix until the dough starts to come together and then knead for about 10-15 minutes. I do 10 minutes in the machine.
Shape into eight balls and poke a hole in the middle to make shape. Refrigerate overnight.
In the morning, take balls out of fridge and let warm up. They are ready for boiling when they float in a bowl of room temp water. This takes a minimum of 20 minutes, sometimes as long as 90.
Heat oven to 450 °F. Place bagels in pot of boiling water for 30-60 seconds until they “puff” a tad.
Remove from water, and put on a baking sheet that is lined with parchment paper. Bake for about 10-15 minutes.
It makes a very stiff dough and I do it in the Kitchen-Aid mixer, alternatively if you do it by hand you will not need to go to the gym. It seems like a lot of work but of you have the mixer it is actually a cinch, you just need to decide the day before that you’re going to do bagels.