Recipe Information
Cook the rice according to the directions, but only for ten minutes. This will leave it not done. Set aside.
In a large bowl, mix the raw meat, the partly cooked rice, half the jar of tomato / spaghetti sauce, the peppers, onions, brown sugar, raisins, garlic, pepper, and cumin. Set aside.
In a large pot (preferably larger than mine), boil water. Remove outer leaves of cabbage. Cut out hard center core of cabbage. Toss the vinegar in the water. Set the cabbage in so it’s nearly covered. (If you’ve picked a big enough pan, you won’t do what I did and have boiling water then sploosh all over the stove. There’s a reason I love my flat-top stove.)
Get a colander out, and set it in a bowl. This gives you someplace to cool the cabbage leaves so you don’t hurt your fingers filling them. (The bowl protects the counter in case you’re like me and left out the vinegar and created purple dye.)
With a fork, carefully peel off the first few leaves of the cabbage and set them in the colander to cool. When they’re cool enough to handle, take one leaf. Cut out the hard center part in a V. Turn the cut side away from you, and put a big spoonful of filling in the leaf. Fold the back of the leaf towards you – then fold the sides in, and fold over again.
Place each roll in a large rectangular casserole dish. Place them closely together. This recipe filled two large casserole dishes – next time I’ll halve it.
When you’ve got your cool leaves filled, more will be ready to come off the boiling cabbage.
When you have all the cabbage rolls made, then pour the rest of the tomato / spaghetti sauce on top.
Bake at 375 °F for an hour and a half.
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This is based on Kathy P’s Stuffed Cabbage Rolls recipe. For the officially sanctioned explanation of folding cabbage rolls, check out instructions in that recipe. This was my first time making them, so I’m NOT the right person to explain! I wanted a sweeter filling, and all the recipes I saw were more savory, so I made the filling more like picadillo.
Copyright © 2008 Amy Hugon. All rights reserved. The copyright of this recipe is retained by the original recipe creator. If you would like to publish this recipe elsewhere in print or online, please contact us to find out how to obtain permission.