French Vanilla Dairy-Free Caramel Sauce

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Recipe Information

# of Servings: 1 cup
Recipe Created By: Kathy Przywara


1/2 cup organic cane sugar
2 Tbsp agave or brown rice syrup
1/2 cup So Delicious® Dairy Free French Vanilla Creamer
1/2 tsp vanilla


Combine all ingredients in a small sauce pot with tall sides.

Slowly bring to a boil over medium heat stirring constantly.

Continue to boil over medium-low heat for 12 minutes stirring frequently.

Remove from heat and stir in vanilla.

Pour into glass jar or other heatproof container. Immediately wash the pot.

Cool slightly before using. Refrigerate unused portion for up to 5 days. Rewarm gently before using.


Candy can be intimidating, but this easy recipe doesn’t even need a candy thermometer.

Be sure to us a small diameter pot with tall sides. The syrup with bubble up. You want to keep it at a boil for the entire time. Adjust the heat so that it doesn’t boil over, but keeps boiling.

Do not stir while the caramel sauce is cooling or your sauce will become grainy.

This is delicious over ice cream on a Chocolate Chunk Skillet Cookie.


This can also be made with So Delicious® Dairy Free Original Culinary Coconutmilk. Reduce cooking time to 8 minutes. Increase vanilla to 1 tsp. This will have a more pronounced coconut flavor.
Milk and Soy Substitutions: Alternative dairy-free milk beverages and products will work in most recipes. Find out more about milk substitutions and soy substitutions.

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