Recipe Information
In medium saucepan, melt margarine. Stir in flour with a wooden spoon or a whisk until thoroughly blended … this will become thick. Stir in the Dari-Free … continue stirring to eliminate lumps. This will thicken as you go. Stir in nutritional yeast and pepper. When this is thick, set it aside off the heat. (You may need to add more liquid to achieve a texture that looks pourable.)
In 2-quart casserole dish, swish around enough salsa to cover the bottom of the dish. Lay 3 corn tortillas in it, layered so that together they cover the entire bottom of the dish.
Layer on half of the chicken, and then about 1/3 of the sauce; splash with salsa. Repeat layering, ending up with tortillas, sauce, salsa on the top.
Put in 350 °F oven for about an hour. Realize this is all pre-cooked, so you’re just heating it through.
The tortillas soften up, so that there are not distinctive layers later on.
Copyright © 2008 Amy Hugon. All rights reserved. The copyright of this recipe is retained by the original recipe creator. If you would like to publish this recipe elsewhere in print or online, please contact us to find out how to obtain permission.
Any type of vegetable oil should work in place of the margarine but I haven’t tried it. In general, you can make a roux with any fat plus the flour.