Peel and grate 4 Idaho potatoes into a bowl. This can be done by hand or with the grating disc in a food processor. Salt and pepper liberally and stir. Add parsley if using.
Heat a large non-stick skillet and add oil and safe margarine to coat the bottom. Put potatoes in the skillet and spread them out.
Allow them to cook until they are a yummy brown, like oak cabinet brown. It should start to come loose from the pan, if not you can encourage it to do so. Once the bottom is all this nice brown flip the roesti. I do it like a pancake flip, in the air. Cook the second side like the first side.
Cut into wedges. Serve promptly. You may want more salt and pepper to taste.
If you are not brave enough to flip this, you can invert it onto a plate larger than your pan and then slide it back into the pan. Place a large plate or even a cutting board over the pan. Be sure it is heat resistant. Holding everything together, invert the pan and plate so that the roesti drops onto the plate. Be careful, the pan is hot. Carefully slide the roesti back into the pan and continue cooking the other side.
If you do not have a safe butter or margarine, all oil will work fine.
Butter and Margarine: Butter is a dairy product made from cow’s milk. Margarine typically contains milk or soy, but there are milk-free and soy-free versions available.