Place in blender and blend until sugar dissolves, about one minute. Pour into ice cream maker according to manufacturer's instructions and let run for about 35 minutes.
For best results, make sure all ingredients are very cold before trying to make this recipe.
Variations: to make strawberry or blueberry Matt's Ice Cream:
Use only one cup DariFree mixture as prepared above, and 2 cups frozen blueberries or strawberries. Mix together with remaining ingredients above. It may take a little longer to grind up the frozen berries, then add to ice cream maker.
Give the company a call first to talk about shared equipment to make sure you're comfortable with using Vance's DariFree or English Bay Dairy-Free products.
Copyright © 2000 Lynda Mitchell. All rights reserved. The copyright of this recipe is retained by the original recipe creator. If you would like to publish this recipe elsewhere in print or online, please contact us to find out how to obtain permission.