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Fat-Free Rum Peach Ice Cream

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Recipe Information

Recipe Created By: Amy Hugon


2 1/2 cups water
3/4 cup DariFree™ powder
1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce
3/4 cup sugar
1 capful vanilla
1 fresh peach, chopped
1 tsp artificial rum extract


Blend water, Dari-Free, applesauce, sugar, and vanilla in blender.

Chill in refrigerator until very cold.

Pour into ice cream maker and follow directions. As ice cream mixture turns, slide peaches and rum extract through opening.

If not eaten immediately, freeze in popsicle containers. If you choose to ignore me and freeze in a larger container, I won't say "I told you so" when you discover it's as hard as a rock and you have to babysit the microwave.


This is an adaptation of Matt's Ice Cream which is Copyright © Lynda Mitchell.

Copyright © 2004 Amy Hugon. All rights reserved. The copyright of this recipe is retained by the original recipe creator. If you would like to publish this recipe elsewhere in print or online, please contact us to find out how to obtain permission.


In place of the peach and rum extract, use 1 cup frozen berries, OR 2-3 drops artificial cherry flavoring and 1/2 cup chocolate chips, crushed.
Milk and Soy Substitutions: Alternative dairy-free milk beverages and products will work in most recipes. Find out more about milk substitutions and soy substitutions.
